Summer Adventure Guide for Court-Ordered Youth
(Follow-on Full-Time Adventure Manager Positions are Available!)
Do you want to be part of the most exciting and fulfilling job you’ve ever imagined?
Summer Adventure Guides lead small groups of youth in residential treatment and other youth in state custody through an exhilarating 10-week summer adventure camp program. Living in tents in the woods, cooking over a fire, and facilitating the daily camp routine, you’ll use activities like ropes courses, team challenges, climbing, kayaking, aquatic adventures, land navigation, and many other adventures in intentional ways to grow young people’s confidence, relationships, and purpose, as well help them heal from the past and grow hope for the future. You’ll also work with Wounded Veterans’ and Families and Siblings separated in Foster Care.
KVC’s Meramec Adventure Ranch
Who we are: Using the transformative power of the wilderness and adventure, KVC’s Meramec Adventure Ranch is dedicated to serving individuals and families whom much of the world has given up on, including youth struggling with traumatic pasts, youth in residential treatment, youth on the Autism Spectrum, and Wounded Warriors. Since 2006, the Ranch has grown to be one of the most extensive adventure bases in the Midwest and has served over 100,000 youth and families.
What you get to do: The ranch is a unique program; the only one of its kind in Missouri and one of the few therapeutic adventure programs left in the country that serve youth in the state system. Summer Guides facilitate the 10-week therapeutic summer adventure program with youth in residential treatment, Siblings separated in the Foster care system, and youth on the Autism Spectrum. Youth are between the ages of 6-18, have experienced histories of severe trauma and abuse, and are working through significant emotional and behavioral challenges. Guides work together with a group of 10 kids and 2 cottage staff and lead them through the week’s adventures. During these trips, adventure activities such as ropes courses, team challenges, climbing, lake and aquatic adventure activities, and the outdoors itself is used as a catalyst to build relationships and produce victories that grow efficacy, connection, purpose, and hope.
Adventure experiences are not an escape from the daily grind. They are reality where, in an “off-balance” environment, the true self always eventually surfaces and must be faced, concrete victories are earned, natural consequences are plentiful, roles and gifts are discovered, and positive relationships are built. Evidence bears out that these experiences become defining moments for young men and young women as they grow, heal, and hope.
You can be a part of this critical program and play a vital role in the life stories of the incredible individuals we are honored to stand alongside each day!
What you get to do in this position:
When is Camp?
May 18th–June 2nd: Camp Preparation/Training/Adventure Race
June 5th–June 30th: Camp Sessions 1-4 (Court-Ordered Youth and Siblings)
July 1st–6th: Break
July 7th–Aug 2nd: Camp Sessions 5-8 (Wounded Warrior Families, Siblings separated in Foster Care, Kids with ASD)
Do I get paid for these positions?
Yes! Salaries are based on position and experience and range from $475-$525 per week. Meals and shelter are provided at the camp, and housing is provided for time off if you desire to remain in the area. Practicums and internships are welcome.
Experience Needed:
For more information:
If you are passionate about being part of what is happening at the Meramec Adventure Ranch, send your resume to
We would be honored to team up with you and stand alongside some pretty amazing youth!